Feb 5, 2017

Should I Post It?


I have spent lots of time, over the last two and a half years, stressing over what I am going to write on this blog. This blog, that I have had since 2014 and still don't completely 'understand'.

I feel as though I am still 'getting to know' my own blog. 

By this I mean, that even though I know that I want the general theme of this [center for my only public-and not anonymous-writing] to be lifestyle, I'm not exactly sure how I want to achieve that. This causes me to remain in a constant battle of "should I post's". Never knowing if what I think of writing about, is anything worth writing. 

And all of this has seemed to do nothing but add more stress to my anxious life, and I have decided that I am done allowing it to eat at my mind; as it does nearly constantly.


So, with this decision comes my new strategy; just do it. No more endlessly searching through lists of blog-post ideas. And dreaming of beautiful pictures that I just can't seem to take with my mediocre camera.
Instead I will do things more productive that help me ahead of time. Like keeping a journal to jot down writing ideas when they come to me, and using stock photos when I can't seem to get the perfect picture I had envisioned.

I guess we will see how all of this works in due time. But I'm hoping that I can get into the habit of sticking around on here, I presume it will help my positivity. I always get a good, productive feeling when I write for my blog, I need more of that.

Love Always,

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